Wednesday, January 14, 2009
About Me
- Name: Terry Glavin
- Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Author, journalist. Editor, Transmontanus Books. Columnist, Ottawa Citizen.

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- Warten auf die Aras
- The Lost and Left Behind: Stories from the Age of Extinctions
- The Sixth Extinction: Journeys among the Lost and Left Behind
- Waiting for the Macaws
- The Last Great Sea
- Dead Reckoning
- A Death Feast in Dimlahamid
- This Ragged Place
- A Ghost in the Water
- A Voice Great Within Us (with Charles Lillard)
- Nemiah (with the Xeni Gwetin)
- Amongst God's Own (with the former students of St. Mary's Mission)
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- Obama's defeatist policy in Afghanistan
- Behind The Massacre In Mazar
- Liberalism's Long Walk
- At The Wall In Jerusalem, with Yossi Klein Halevi
- Jews Behaving Badly: Fact and Fiction At R&D
- The Great Gaza Flotilla Fraud of 2010
- 'Reconciliation' Talks A Charade
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- Equal To A Million Buffalo Moving Across The Plains
- In Vancouver Review: Taqunya in Kabul - The People Come From The Shadows
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- "With Friends Like These. . ."
- Lost Cities: The Archeology of Metrotown
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- The Pashtun Peace Forum: Indispensable To Understa...
- "Stop the violence"? Simply Not Credible
- Slavoj Žižek, "The Magician of Ljubljana," Respond...
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- For Want Of An Actually Existing Anti-War Movement...
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For belittling the bravery of the young women who are the subject of this post, the troll and baiter "Shokal" is banned from here.
“The people who did this,” she said, “do not feel the pain of others.”
There is a remarkable restraint in this statement. After being subjected to such a heinous attack, she could have come up with a much harsher judgment of the evil doers. Yet all she does is invoke the golden rule.
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