"The Faceless Minions Of The New World Order"

Ron Paul, Pat Boone, Connie Fogal, the John Birch Society, Maude Barlow, the Conservative Caucus: More convergence on the far left and the far right.
A subtle pattern begins to emerge. . .
UPDATE: Ron Paul, the extreme-right Texas Republican who is running for president of the United States, enjoys the enthusiastic support of a section of the Vancouver activist set. The "Canadians for Ron Paul" (if that isn't embracing "continental integration," I don't know what is) set up a booth on the lawn in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery recently. They say they hope to influence American tourists to register as Republicans when they get home, to vote for Paul. The leaflet they were distributing ("Bring Our Troops Home Now") points out that Paul "has never voted to raise taxes," "votes against the welfare state," and "votes for conservative principles."
And now we have famous Vancouver marijuana activist Marc Emery campaigning for Paul, too. "We have a saying up here: 'American politics is far too important to leave to the Americans,' " says Emery. Actually, we don't have any such saying up here, but it's worth trying to imagine how we'd respond to some impudent Yankee celebrity who said: "We have a saying down here: 'Canadian politics is far too important to leave to the Canadians'. " If he ever set foot north of the border after that, he'd want to be awfully careful about himself.
Which brings me to the most amusing irony of the recent "Stop The North American Union" hubbub. The Vancouver protest march was organized by "No One Is Illegal" - which is against the existence of borders, including the Canada-U.S. border.
Badda-bing, tish.
Holy Smokes, you need a program to follow the Players and their convergent/divergent ideologies.
Just goes to show ya how a good conspiracy theory can bring unity to strange bedfellows.
Great Post.
With thanks to Ms. Fogal:
It's almost as good as Left Gatekeeper to the False-Flag Ziocon Hegemony.
I know, almost as good as "Gatekeeper" but not quite. I sent SDA the link, your post deserves to be picked up.
That was brilliant, Terry. If only some of these folks would stop screaming long enough to listen to themselves they'd get a good laugh too.
That was brilliant, Terry. If only some of these folks would stop screaming long enough to listen to themselves they'd get a good laugh too.
"Actually, we don't have any such saying up here, but it's worth trying to imagine how we'd respond to some impudent Yankee celebrity who said: "We have a saying down here: 'Canadian politics is far too important to leave to the Canadians'. " If he ever set foot north of the border after that, he'd want to be awfully careful about himself."
To be fair, Michael Moore said something to that effect (http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?id=192) and people still seem to like him.
Hi Terry,
I had an eerie deja vu experience reading this one (and yes, it is great), being lately worked up about our own fringe moonbats on both sides.
Graeme: You're right. I guess it's all about who's doing the imperialistic impudence.
Snoop: Maybe you should talk to the Elders about merging shadowy cabals with us Minions. We could have secret handshakes, swap matzo recipes, the whole shmeer.
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